We all have special talents and areas of expertise. Solving problems in those areas is easy and quick for us. I know some amazing software architects that can quickly and easily come up with an elegant, robust design – it’s just what they do.
I just spent way too many hours researching a particular legal question. While I am a very capable researcher, I am certainly not a lawyer. Finally, with my eyes bleary and my head spinning with too much information, I gave in – I called our law firm. I have to say, I love our lawyer (bet you don’t hear that often). She understands my business, she’s pragmatic, and she explains things very clearly and concisely. I explained my issue to her, and she said she’d get back to me today. Within an hour she was back. She had done the research that I’d been trying to do all day and had an answer for me.
So why didn't I call on this valued expert immediately? Good question. Part of it was cost, part of it was my own sense of self-reliance, and part of it was underestimating the task, but boy am I glad I did. Not only did she give me an answer I can rely on, she did it faster and frankly more cost effectively than I could.
So have I learned my lesson? I hope so. Why spin my wheels when I have great experts available to help me. I just spent many, many hours of my valuable time to save a few hundred bucks, and it wasn't worth it!
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