Friday, April 13, 2007

Can we do more for our customers?

Something I regularly wonder about is how can we help our customers even more? We often are called in to help with troubled projects or more often a portion of a troubled project. The help asked for is usually in the form of extra hands (i.e. we have too much work, can you do some of it for us). We can and do this, and do it well, but what about the reasons that the company is in this boat in the first place?

Some of the systemic issues make it nearly impossible to deliver what our customers want and need. A lack of requirements, difficulty getting questions answered, dependencies on other departments – all out of our control and all contributing to an unsuccessful outcome.

The one thing I’ve seen help relieve (but not eliminate) this is that as our clients get to know and trust our consultants, our consultants are given more responsibility and latitude to make decisions and get things done.

It’s frustrating to watch these projects and know that with better requirements, or stronger project management, or a clearer view of the market the project and therefore the client company would be much more successful.

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