Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Questions That Provoke Innovation

One of my LinkedIn contacts posted an interesting article about innovation recently. It got me thinking about how this might be used in process improvement.

While there are well known practices to address many of the common issues with poor quality software development, sometimes there are challenges implementing them in specific environments. For example, while it is ideal to develop tests and test products as they’re being built, sometimes we find that doesn’t happen and testing needs to be done after the fact.

Sure, you could just start writing all the test cases from the requirements docs, but that’s a long road. And what if there are no requirement documents? The product still needs to be tested, and in a reasonable timeframe with a reasonable set of resources.

Asking “How might we…” can unlock all sorts of creative options.  One company I work with is using Google Voice accounts to fill in as “people” when testing their software. Sure they don’t all respond, but it’s a great start to put a little more load on the system.

How might you come up with a solution for some of your more intractable problems?


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